Our Accelerator

We stimulate entrepreneurial innovation in North Louisiana with milestone-driven strategies, utilizing our mentors to be accessible to ventures looking to grow.

Our Accelerator

We stimulate entrepreneurial innovation in North Louisiana with milestone-driven strategies, utilizing our mentors to be accessible to ventures looking to grow.

Entrepreneurship Accelerated!

The Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program offers mentorship programs designed to accelerate your idea, product or existing business into a thriving company quickly by providing intensive startup support. Our team of mentors will work alongside you, working on everything from the business plan and model, market and financial analysis to prepping you to receive funding, such as angel investment.

Launch & Grow Your Business

How does EAP help my business?
  • Financial Modeling
  • Mentoring & Coaching
  • Funding Strategy
  • Pitch Preperation
  • Marketing Strategy

 To learn more about our process, click here.

How do I get started?

Fill out our application form. In the form you will have the opportunity to express what you need help with such as creating a startup business, accessing investors or growing your existing startup business. We then will schedule you for a phone call or meeting.

What is an EAP mentor?

Mentors include EAP expert staff members, specialized consultants, financial and business experts, seasoned entrepreneurs and investors. EAP provides access to mentors and guides to suit your needs.

Entrepreneurship Accelerated!

The Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program offers mentorship programs designed to accelerate your idea, product or existing business into a thriving company quickly by providing intensive startup support. Our team of mentors will work alongside you, working on everything from the business plan and model, market and financial analysis to prepping you to receive funding, such as angel investment.

How does EAP help my business?
  • Financial Modeling
  • Mentoring & Coaching
  • Funding Strategy
  • Pitch Preperation
  • Marketing Strategy

 To learn more about our process, click here.

How do I get started?

Fill out our application form. In the form you will have the opportunity to express what you need help with such as creating a startup business, accessing investors or growing your existing startup business. We then will schedule you for a phone call or meeting.

What is an EAP mentor?

Mentors include EAP expert staff members, specialized consultants, financial and business experts, seasoned entrepreneurs and investors. EAP provides access to mentors and guides to suit your needs.

Intensive Startup Support


Our team explores the details of your idea, product or startup business, from viability to consumer satisfaction, then provides resources to boost your networks, technology access and financial planning.

Experts, Mentors & Networking

Build Your Network

Who are the people that will help you plan? EAP provides access to highly-engaged, knowledgeable mentors and advisers to help you thrive and grow in a competitive environment. Our mentors include EAP expert staff members, specialized consultants, financial and business experts, seasoned entrepreneurs and investors.

Scale & Accelerate

The Seed Round

Maximize your potential to receive funding. EAP coaches entrepreneurs to become investment-ready, whether through self-financing, banks or angel investment, such as through the New Louisiana Angel Funds (NLAF). EAP has direct access to NLAF, which operates as the first angel fund in northern Louisiana and has raised $2.65 million from 53 accredited investors and entities, seed investment, sidecar investment and syndication.

Experts, Mentors & Networking

Build Your Network

Who are the people that will help you plan? EAP provides access to highly-engaged, knowledgeable mentors and advisers to help you thrive and grow in a competitive environment. Our mentors include EAP expert staff members, specialized consultants, financial and business experts, seasoned entrepreneurs and investors.

Our team explores the details of your business, from financial viability to consumer satisfaction, to determine if the resources we provide will be able to advance the seed of an idea to a forest of a fast-growing, innovative firm.

Stage 1

Startup Screening: Our team reviews your business idea to ensure it’s on target, positioned for financial sustainability and executing efficiently.

Ideation Sessions: We take startups with either initial concepts or established ideas, give them clear direction and assist them in establishing a proven business model and financial viability.

Stage 2

Financial Analysis: We take a look at your company’s financial standing, assess what should be tweaked and outline the next steps to be taken.

Operational Tools: We offer a multitude of tools to start and grow your business – not just advice and a pat on the back – such as help with business plans, access to customers and technology partners, and help with opening branch offices in Louisiana.

EAP Acceptance: With your business’ acceptance into our accelerator program, you’ll benefit from a plethora of devices that will help your ideas soar into success.

Perfect your plan and pith to potential investors to receive opportunities for funding to continue research and development to shape your future company.

Business Model Establishment: We work with you to design the first roadmap for your business, laying out your ideas, hopes and objectives in an organized way to see the overall picture.

Pro Forma Analysis and Support: We help you chart out a financial plan so your company can reach its greatest economic potential.

Pitch Deck Rehearsal/Preparation and Elevator Pitch: You work with seasoned entrepreneurs to prepare an informative and comprehensible plan to present to potential investors.

Term Sheet and Legal Assistance: We introduce our companies to the proper law parties, employment agencies, and property assets so as to aid in all aspects of cultivating a successful company.

Develop branding, marketing practices and connections to ensure a successful and powerful launch of your business, signaling your transition from the nest to the competitive ecosystem of your industry.

Mentorship and Advisement: We direct you to easily accessible marketing and public relations resources to work with experienced consultants who will help you organize the most effective plan for communicating your message, gaining new clients and retaining loyal ones.

Collaboration and Networking: We work with your company to prepare to transition from the nurturing stages to a company with the potential to net millions of dollars in consumer products and services.

Strategic Partnership: We specialize in strategic partnerships with startups to function as a marketing launchpad with guidance on how to form a plan for advertising and communication.

Syndication Introductions: All of our investors have a common goal – to help you succeed. With help from angel funds and sidecar investors, your startup will benefit from an extra boost toward success.

About Us

The Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program (EAP) helps create wealth for entrepreneurs by analyzing viable ideas and products, matching them with informed investors, and nurturing them toward rewarding markets.



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